Volunteer Carers gain Medication Training

Congratulations to Diana, Paula, Yi-Chieh and Eileen who attended a Medication Administration course at Inchwater Home Care offices.

Working for a well-respected East Kent charity, the four volunteer carers were keen to explore the knowledge-base of medication awareness, “they were a joy to train and a credit to their charity” said Paul Watts, trainer.  “ They clearly already had a wealth of knowledge in working with vulnerable people and this course merely added technical skills to their current practice”.

NCFE awards for volunteer carersAll four attendees passed the final exam which gives them an NCFE award recognised nationally at level 2.  “We offer a range of training to our own Caregivers and we usually have several courses running every month in subjects such as Dementia Awareness, Medication, Moving and Handling and Safeguarding Adults.  All are externally validated and quality assured, meaning the training and qualifications are set to a high standard, so the four attendees have really earned their awards!”.



