Memory Orchard Project: If you haven’t met Sam Dondi-Smith, here is an introduction… Sam is one of the community professionals who has put time and effort into making the world for people with dementia a better place. His not-for-profit company Interactive Me is an excellent resource for people with dementia and, if you have just a minute, is well worth visiting. I say a minute, because the video that explains what he provides takes 60 seconds. Well spent in my opinion.
Here is another project that Sam is involved with and we think it is great:
“Hi All,
I wanted to give you a heads up about a community project I am starting in Ramsgate alongside Interactive Me called the Ramsgate Community Memory Orchard. This will be a space open to the public but specifically designed for people with dementia to engage in a calming sensory outside space. Of course anyone and everyone can also come and enjoy the space and the fruit it will produce. The Just Giving page is below and if you would like to get involved then please let me know.
Thanks, Sam“