Kim Jeffrey

This is one of the hardest posts I have ever had to write. Yesterday, we said goodbye to one of our own. Kim Jeffrey, Assistant Care Manager, passed away at Pilgrims Hospice, Margate, in the early hours of Sunday morning.

Kim came to us with a wealth of experience in care and helped us build our business into the successful organisation we have today. It is fair to say she was instrumental in our development at that time and we owe her a debt of gratitude that we can never repay.

Kim was one of those people with a larger than life personality. She would never hesitate to argue her point if she felt she was right and this aspect alone endeared her to us. When she passed her NVQ Level 5, I described her as ‘the biggest pain in my backside that I ever had the pleasure to work with’, and this hasn’t changed. She was a pleasure to work with.

Maddie came to rely on Kim’s insight and their laughter often spilled through the office. Kim came to anticipate Maddie’s needs as Care Manager and would take on far more than she was ever asked to. She enjoyed her work and she worked hard. Her absence from the office is a tangible hurt.

We are less without her but, as she often said, “There are people who need us and need our support…the care must go on”. Kim would be cross if we did any less than our best at this time.

We miss her vitality. We miss her direct, no BS, way of working. We miss her.

Paul & Maddie

Kim Jeffrey



